November 20, 2020
We’re in the midst of Movember, the time where nose ticklers (see: Ned Flanders), soup strainers, and cookie dusters are out in full force. So, you’ve heard of it, but what is Movember?
Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches, beards, and whiskers of all kinds during the month of November, to raise awareness for men’s health issues, particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. The aim is to increase early cancer detection diagnosis and effective treatment, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths.
Did you know, 1 in 250 men will get testicular cancer in their lifetime? Testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in men aged 15 to 35 but is among the most treatable when caught early. It is the most common cancer in young men in Canada and also one of the most curable.
Check out this great self-examination guide on how to check your testicles. Do it once a month, it’s that simple! Here are some things to look out for when doing your self-exam. Consult your physician immediately if something doesn’t feel right. These symptoms can also be associated with other health issues, and further tests are required before a diagnosis can be confirmed. For more information on testicular cancer diagnosis and treatment go to Testicular Cancer Canada and Movember.
Another less talked about subject is men’s mental health. According to Movember, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day globally. In Canada, three out of four suicides are by men. With the ongoing pandemic and no end in sight, it is important now more than ever to continue to stay connected with those we love.
If you feel concerned about the men in your life but don’t know how to reach out, Movember has some fantastic prompts and pointers on how to navigate a conversation. Try opening a conversation with ALEC, four simple steps to show you care. Simply put, ALEC stands for: Ask, Listen, Encourage action, and Check in.
We’ve written the Movember ALEC prompts out for you here:
This November, remember to check in with the men in your life, let them know you are thinking of them and that you are there for support if it’s needed. We may have to maintain social distance, but we can still be close to those we love.
GOeBlogger is a health enthusiast and avid reader living and thriving in vibrant Vancouver. When she's not nerding out at her laptop, you can find her exploring the beautiful BC coastline with her dog.
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