New Year's Resolutions

Author: GOeBlogger

December 30, 2020

We can all agree this year has been a tough one. COVID-19 came storming in and threw everything upside down. Our idea of normal was redefined and it's shaped everything from how we interact, work, shop, and live. With this year coming to a close, most of us are setting our sights on starting 2021 with a clean slate. For many, that means starting the year with new resolutions. This can be breaking old habits (or making new ones!), learning something new, or doing something outside of your comfort zone. We encourage everyone to set achievable goals and keep a positive outlook for the success you want to see! Here are ways we suggest to set up your goals:

  1. Set yourself up for success: Oftentimes we have grand ideas of what we want to accomplish in the new year. But more often than not, we don't do the prep work required to ensure we achieve those goals. Setting a goal is easy, it's the planning that takes thought and work. Simple things such as scheduling reward days, keeping a progres journal, or having a friend for support are ways to help keep you on track when motivation dips during the year.
  2. Be intentional: Reflect on what is most important to you and be intentional with the things you choose to focus your time and energy on. Why are you setting this particular goal? What are the end results you want? Make sure the goals you set for yourself are doable.
  3. Limit your resolutions: Taking on too much all at one time can be daunting. Instead, focus your time and attention on a couple goals. Establishing new habits takes time and a sustained effort. Focusing yourself on one specific goal makes keeping a resolution much more achievable.
  4. Plan for success: The planning process is an essential part of achieving any goal. Think about the steps you will take, why you want to do it, and ways to keep yourself on track. Plan 'reward' days to give you a boost during those particularly tough weeks. Break larger goals down into smaller, shorter goals. Make a detailed list of any obstacles you might run into and how to counter them.
  5. Commit to it: Tell your resolutions to a friend, family member, or your spouse, and ask them to help support you. Have them check in with you on a regular basis to hold yourself accountable. Start a resolution journal to track your progress, note the obstacles you encountered (what happened, were you prepared?), days where you struggled, and days that went well.
  6. Learn, adapt, and be kind to yourself: Change can be a difficult ongoing process, so be kind to yourself. If you have a misstep, don't beat yourself up about it. Restart and continue on the journey to your goal.

Sometimes the difference between success and failure is simply choosing the right goal and the process you use to go about achieving it. Remember to be kind with yourself and to celebrate any and all progress. It's not just the end goal that matters—it's the journey along the way!




GOeBlogger is a health enthusiast and avid reader living and thriving in vibrant Vancouver. When she's not nerding out at her laptop, you can find her exploring the beautiful BC coastline with her dog.