Five Common Myths About STIs

Some FYIs on STIs

Author: GOeBlogger

May 16, 2019

There can be a lot of stigma and embarrassment when talking about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Often this stigma prevents people from getting help and advice. It can also lead to misconceptions.

There are still some myths around how STIs can be contracted and the severity of their long term consequences. Here are five common mistakes or assumptions.

1. Only people with multiple partners get STIs

An STI can happen to anyone who is sexually active. Even if you have one partner, it is still important to consider their past sexual experiences and be open about discussing this with them.

2. Most STIs do not have serious consequences

While mostly true for men, the consequences of infections for women can be serious. Chlamydia, perhaps the most common STI, can have very damaging effects on women's health. If left untreated, it can spread to upper reproductive organs, causing inflammation and fertility issues.

3. Syphilis and gonorrhoea are STIs of the past. Modern medicine has cured them.

Rates of Gonorrhea and Syphilis are increasing and Gonorrhea is becoming increasingly harder to treat as it is resistant to antibiotics. Although Syphilis is less common than the other STIs, the number of cases is also increasing.

4. Condoms protect against all STIs

Some STIs like herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), or genital ulcer diseases like Syphilis and Chancroid, are spread via skin-to-skin contact. If a condom does not cover the infected area, then a condom cannot offer protection from these STIs.

5. You can’t get an STI from oral sex

Many STIs can be passed through oral sex. For example, herpes HSV, which causes cold sores, is commonly transmitted to the genitals. It cannot be cured. Genital HPV is increasingly associated with oral HPV through oral sex transmission, as is Syphilis.


The bottom line is that an STI can happen to anyone who is sexually active. If there is any doubt around exposure, any worrying or unusual physical symptoms, we suggest you get tested.

With GOeVisit, once you have established which STI you have contracted, you can access fast, discreet treatment and get a prescription.

Don’t leave your health to chance. Register with GOeVisit today and take control of your health.


GOeBlogger is a health enthusiast and avid reader living and thriving in vibrant Vancouver. When she's not nerding out at her laptop, you can find her exploring the beautiful BC coastline with her dog.